A Message of Hope on the Middle East

24 Oct

See the transcript of the video below.


As you all know, there’s now a war in the Middle East. And I know many of you are quite distressed about that, and I am too. I’m going to refer only to what’s going on in the Middle East, but know that the comments I’m going to make apply equally to Ukraine, and anywhere else in the world where war is taking place. So, in order to set the stage for these comments, I need to talk first about Ascension. 

As most of you probably know, the Earth and everybody on the Earth is going through an ascension process. Ascension is literally ascending or rising in vibration or frequency. As I understand it, Earth has already moved from the third density, or what some people call the third dimension into the fourth and we are on our way to the fifth-density, which is a vibration of unconditional love, and ONENESS consciousness. 

So essentially, we’re going home without leaving the physical body. And that’s one of the reasons an Ascension lifetime is so miraculous and magnificent. Ascension is caused by light from Source flooding the planet. The light has the effect of bringing to the surface of conscious awareness, everything unlike itself, which is to say everything of a lower vibration. This is happening collectively to the entire human race and individually in each person’s life, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

So, every bit of trauma, pain, hurt, wounding anger, lack of forgiveness, resentments, false beliefs, anything of a lower vibration (much of which is at the subconscious level) is going to come into conscious awareness so that you can release it. That process is called purification. Your conscious awareness is necessary for these lower vibrational energies to be released. They are what you could call trapped, crystallized, or frozen. And when they come into your conscious awareness, if you don’t go into aversion and try to push them away (which makes it sticky) if you can remain neutral and just witness whatever is arising, your conscious awareness unfreezes it so that it can now release. 

So, the steps in clearing these old traumas are one, let it come into conscious awareness, be consciously aware of it.  To the extent that you can do so sincerely, thank whatever it is that’s coming into your conscious awareness for whatever it has taught you. Then, bless it, and set the intention to give it to the universe for transmutation. 

It really is that simple. 

Those are the four steps of purification. So, with that in mind, what’s happening in the Middle East and in the Ukraine and elsewhere, is a manifestation of the purification process. Think of what’s happening in Israel and Palestine. You can look at it this way. The Ascension is like a strong powerful river flowing in one direction. It’s flowing in the direction of unity consciousness. That is the overriding intention of the human species. So, imagine you’ve got this powerful river moving strongly in this one direction. And imagine that there is a huge boulder in the middle of the river. So, as the water contacts the boulder, there’s a lot of energetic turbulence. The boulder in this case represents the currently large number of beings in the Middle East who are heavily invested in separation consciousness for various reasons of their own. Those beings are not intending to move toward ONENESS consciousness, they do not want the rest of us to move toward ONENESS consciousness. They are effectively an energetic boulder in the middle of this raging river. So, whenever you have a large population of beings moving in one direction, and you have a subset of that population intending to stay in place or perhaps even move in the opposite direction, it’s the boulder and the river clashing together. 

That creates a lot of energetic turbulence. And that turbulence is very fertile ground for war. It often manifests as war. But it doesn’t have to be war, it could manifest as something like famine, or a natural disaster, like a tornado, a tsunami, or an earthquake. Those are all various possibilities. But these are the energetic conditions that give rise to something like what you see going on in the Middle East right now.

I realize when I talk about the beings in the Middle East who invested in separation consciousness, that could be misconstrued as a judgment or a statement of blame. That is not at all what I’m saying, that is not my intention, or what’s in my heart. All I’m trying to do is explain the underlying energetics of what’s happening in the Middle East.

Now, here’s the really important part that I want you to keep in your consciousness, the take-home lesson, so to speak. 

Think about what happens when light strikes an object. It casts a shadow – the brighter the light, the darker the shadow, until at a certain point, there’s so much light that it just dissolves the shadow. I believe that humanity is now at the point of maximal darkness of the shadow. And certainly, it looks that way if you watch the news, but that means that we are just one short step away from the dissolution of the shadow. And that’s the thing to keep in mind here. If you don’t know that, and you just watch the news, you could reasonably conclude that humanity is headed toward self-annihilation. That is actually the opposite of what’s occurring here.

We’re not headed toward self-annihilation, we’re headed toward self-realization. And when I say self-realization, I mean Self-realization with a capital S, the realization of the true self, the one self, the real self, whatever term you would like to use, that’s where the human species is headed. 

When I say we’re at the point of maximal darkness, by point, I don’t mean this second, this minute, this hour, this day, or even this year. The “point” is most likely, it’s probably going to be a period of several years, where this kind of purification is going to be quite, quite intense. I use the word point because from an evolutionary perspective, from Source’s perspective (where planning is taking place over billions of years, that’s the frame of reference that’s being used), a few years of linear time on Earth is just a point, relatively speaking. But I think from our perception of linear time, it’s going to be quite intense for at least several years. 

Again, the important point is if we’re at the point of maximal darkness of the shadow (and I believe that we are) then we are one step away from the dissolution of the shadow. So, this is intended to be a message of hope, and I hope you will share it with others in your life who are distressed by what’s going on in the news these days.

The Beauty of an Heirloom Tomato

21 Oct

So, we had the great fortune of being able to participate in an organic farm share CSA this summer that has the most wonderful nutritious and delicious veggies. A few weeks ago, one of its many gifts was a giant heirloom tomato. The tomato was perfectly ripe, so I knew it needed to be eaten right away in order to not risk it becoming overripe.  If you’ve ever looked closely at the structure of a large heirloom tomato, you may have noticed it twists and turns and seems to bubble up out of and fall back into itself.  In a way, it mimics how Source expresses in this world.  Formlessness bubbles up into form and then falls back down into the formless continually.  

So, I sliced up this giant tomato and was immediately struck by the beauty and the bounty! How much tomato I got out of this tomato with its beautiful, marbled swirls of color inside it that ranged from yellow to vibrant orange to deep red to almost purple.  The artist in me is always appreciating the “art” that I see in everyday life, and this tomato was a true masterpiece created by Source. 

When Rob and I take walks together in the woods or in nature, he’s always asking me, “What does the artist see?,” because he knows that I notice these details of beauty in life that maybe he doesn’t and he likes to be clued into them so that he can notice them too—the texture of bark on a tree, the way leaves make patterns as you look up through them, the way you can see subtle vibrant colors even in things that at first glance seem to be shades of grey.  Recently, Rob pointed out one of these “artist perspectives” as we sat on a bench overlooking a lake. There was this beautiful play of the light being reflected from the water, and landing on the large branch of a tree. It made it look like you could see the life force of the tree flowing as light itself.  I was thrilled for Rob that he was noticing these beautiful gifts from Spirit directly and that he was seeing in this way.  

If you simply train yourself to look for how light plays on objects and beings, you’ll be amazed at the exquisite beauty you can see all around you all day long. There really are these little visual miracles all around us. One of my favorites is the pattern of light as it comes through the blinds in the bedroom and lands on the wall. I like to watch these patterns of light move, and when I see them as they truly are and not with the mental label that this is just light coming in through the Venetian blinds, when I see them as their own distinct phenomenon worthy of my attention, then the beauty and subtlety of this little expression of consciousness reveals itself.  The more I approach moments in my day from an open perspective that seeks out and appreciates all these visual gifts all around me, the more joy I experience that day.  I invite you to try it yourself and see what you discover.  

Love, Liesel

Expanding the Glass

8 Sep

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.

“We would like to illustrate human suffering from life situations with an analogy. Imagine a lemon. Cut the lemon in half. Now, imagine squeezing all of the juice from both halves of the lemon into an empty glass. Take a sip from this glass. The taste is, of course, very sour, and not at all easily drinkable. Now, imagine that you actually are the glass containing the lemon juice. What is inside the glass is what is in your awareness. So, in this case, you are aware and focused on what you perceive to be the cause of your suffering (i.e. illness, physical pain, unhappy life circumstances, etc.) This perceived cause of the suffering is the lemon juice. Now, there are really two types of lemon juice in your glass, even though you think it is all the same lemon juice. So, before the juice was squeezed into the glass, think of the two halves of lemon that it was squeezed from. The first half of the lemon is the inherent pain or discomfort associated with the situation. For instance, if the situation is an illness that involves chronic physical pain, the physical pain is this half of the lemon. The other half of the lemon consists of the mental narratives you tell yourself about the situation. Often, this second half of the lemon is actually far more sour than the first half.

The myriad of stories that the ego-mind can create about the situation often induce far more suffering than the inherent pain and discomfort of the situation. Stories like ‘It is completely unfair that this has happened to me and it is ruining my life.’ This is self-induced psychological suffering. This is mentally created suffering that is piled on top of the inherent pain or discomfort that accompanies the situation. It is actually optional whether you squeeze this half of the lemon into your glass because even if the mind has already gone down the suffering-inducing-storytelling-rabbit-hole, and is spinning some tale of woe, you can choose not to believe it. You can choose to be the witness of your thoughts, and not assume that they are true simply because they exist. This is a profound practice, and has a dual benefit. Firstly, it keeps the second half of the lemon from being squeezed into your glass. Secondly, it actually allows the glass (your awareness) to expand. As you, the glass, expand, the extra space is immediately filled with fresh, pure water. This water is Source energy, your higher self. Therefore, the second benefit is that the lemon juice from the first half of the lemon has been diluted by the pure water, thereby, making it taste less sour. In other words, by expanding your awareness to realize that you are the witness of your thoughts, you also expand your ability to be the witness of the inherent pain or discomfort vibration. In addition, you can also continue to expand your glass (which will automatically cause more water from Source to fill it) by actively cultivating your connection to your higher self (the love that you are) through meditation, prayer, and present moment awareness or mindfulness. Through these practices, your glass can become so large and so filled with crystal clear water that the juice from the first half of the lemon becomes very dilute, and, therefore, only has a faint note of tartness. This is how you transcend any external life circumstances, by cultivating your internal life, and making it of highest priority.”

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

The Dojo and the Dance Floor

15 Aug

As channeled from the Beings of Light through Liesel.

Think of the third-dimensional plane as a kind of dojo.  You are meeting life in the form of your life situation within this dojo.  Are you enemies with your life?  Do you meet life in a rigid, unyielding stance, rejecting what already is?  The next thing you know, do you find yourself flat on your back, trying to catch your breath?  Or do you accept what already is as it arises in life and work with and incorporate its momentum to partner with life and shift into a new position in which you flourish?

It is not about winning or dominating, it is about engaging in the dance of energy and becoming attuned to where momentum is already flowing and channeling that momentum in positive and beneficial ways.  Indeed, you can also think of life as a dance floor where you dance a duet with life itself.  The more you allow life to lead, the more graceful the dance.  When, as the ego, you try to lead, chaos and clumsiness ensue.  Only Spirit knows the true choreography.  Surrendering to the dance as it flows to you and through you, and following the momentum of energy to its desired expression, this is how to live life in the present, and how you ultimately bridge the gap from the life you have lived until now and your soul’s highest incarnate destiny.

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

Rebirth While Incarnate

28 Jul

As channeled from the Beings of Light through Liesel.

“Often when there is a serious illness or a near-death experience, it can cause a kind of rebirth, a new lifetime within the current incarnation. This often happens because the event triggers a disassociation with the mental/emotional structures that the person has accumulated throughout their lifetime, and a reassociation and a realignment with the soul and true essence of love and light that the soul is.

 Once the animating energy is removed from the mental/emotional structures, they collapse or weaken significantly, and therefore the same life lessons that would be necessary to bring awareness to the mental/emotional structures that are at the wheel of your life, are no longer needed.  There is the opportunity for Spirit to continue its evolution and undertake new lessons, without the need to first dissolve the current physical form.  While the potential peril or actual peril of the physical body often catalyzes these quantum leaps of consciousness, the possibility of the shedding of the physical body is not necessary for these leaps to occur.  What is necessary (that the prospect of death tends to elicit) is a surrender of control, and a willingness to perceive beyond the mental/emotional structures, a willingness to drop the very familiar (and therefore comfortable) association with those structures as being you, and a willingness to not cling to them tenaciously.  When this willingness is there, it creates a space, an opening, which Spirit immediately fills with its formless essence, with the energy that is ultimately you at your deepest level, with the energy that is also simultaneously All.  To most personalities, this is generally a terrifying prospect as it closely resembles death.  It is actually a homecoming for the (temporarily) disconnected energy that has been allowed to run unsupervised through the mental/emotional patterning accumulated during a lifetime, for it is now absorbed back into the soul and Unity Consciousness, and subsequently, there is a reanimating of the body with the energy of the soul and Unity Consciousness that then can flow unobstructed from the heart into the mind and use the mind (as it was intended to be used) as an instrument for the purpose of expanding the vibration of love in the world.  This is very different than before when the mind and emotional patterning was essentially using the body to carry out actions based on a fragmented, disconnected, and trapped energy bouncing around within those mental and emotional structures, that had convinced you that it was you.  The challenge is to retain this connection as you move forward in time, and to not allow a new identity to form that is based on newly collected thoughts and emotions, and to keep hitting the refresh button to Source.” 

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

Energy Informs Form

19 Jul

As channeled from the Beings of Light through Liesel.

“Remember that when you focus on changing external conditions without first addressing internal conditions, you always ultimately create an external condition that is actually another iteration of the first external condition.  For illustrative purposes, think of cutting a serpent from the hydra’s head, a serpent always grows back in the first serpent’s place because the energy of the hydra is still the same.  Yet, if the vibration of the hydra is elevated, then something beautiful like a flower would grow where the serpent once was.  The hydra that grows serpents is the ego-based self, the hydra that grows flowers is the Spirit-based self.

Think of energy as the DNA of form.  Like DNA, energy always precedes and informs form.  Energy carries the blueprint for manifestation.  When you raise your vibration, you upgrade the blueprint, and ultimately the physical third-dimensional structures that will naturally flow from this blueprint.  Actually, to say that you raise your vibration is somewhat inaccurate, particularly if you are currently identifying with your ego or personality-based self.  It is an act of allowing rather than an act of effort.  There are things that you can do to help the process, even while identifying partially or even primarily as the small self (meditation, prayer, spiritual programs, etc.), but ultimately, the real quantum leap occurs through internal surrender and allowing that which is far greater than you, yet is more truly you than the small self could ever be, to emerge.  Therefore, it is perhaps more accurate to say that you allow your vibration to be lifted to its intended state and that this occurs naturally through internal surrender to the deepest part of you that is simultaneously the deepest part of all beings.”

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.


17 May

As channeled from the Beings of Light through Liesel.

“The purpose of karma is not to punish.  The purpose of karma is to reunite you with the part of the One that you have artificially separated yourself from by giving you the experience from the other frame of reference, the opposing role in the dynamic.  Think of it as a kind of built in guardrail system for incarnate reality to keep you from going too far off track into the perception of separation.  Karma is based in duality.  When you experience one side without a robust understanding of the other side, then you must experience this other side as well in order to bring both halves of duality into their balanced state that is whole, and therefore, can finds it’s way back to Oneness perception.  However, the need for the direct incarnate experience of the other frame of reference is no longer necessary if your vibration is raised to the level that transcends this interplay of duality and rests in a deep knowingness of the innate Oneness of all, and thereby, also the knowingness of the Oneness shared with the other in an ‘opposite’ role.  When there is the deep, visceral understanding that to harm another in any way, is to directly harm yourself, and that also to react to another’s harm or perceived harm of you through violence (whether physical or emotional), or judgment or non-forgiveness, is to inevitably do direct harm to yourself, then you have moved into a way of being in the world that does not operate via the mechanism of karma.

So, to further illustrate karma, and to also illustrate the subtle differences between balancing, releasing, and transcending karma, think of a teeter-totter. Imagine that you stand on top of the fulcrum of the teeter-totter. The teeter-totter does not move when you stand directly on top of the fulcrum which is located at the midpoint of the teeter-totter. Standing on top of the fulcrum is perceiving from a perspective of Unity Consciousness or Oneness. Now, imagine that you have split yourself into two people and you sit on each end of the teeter-totter. The splitting yourself in two is when you perceive another being as truly separate from you when the deepest truth is that there is only one being, one consciousness having a multitude of points of perception. So, now you perceive yourself as sitting on one side of the teeter-totter and someone else, someone other than you, as sitting on the other side of the teeter-totter. This is duality consciousness. Now, imagine that you want to bring the teeter-totter into a state of balance such that the two people on the teeter-totter (who are ultimately both you in the deepest sense) both are suspended in the air. Let’s also say that the weight that you originally had when you were one being is constantly being shifted between the two people such that one is heavier and then the other is heavier. This sets the teeter-totter in motion. So, then if the weight is shifted such that both people weigh exactly the same, then the teeter-totter is in a state of equilibrium, it is balanced, and both people are suspended in the air and the teeter totter is no longer in motion. Yet, this balance can be easily disrupted by even a slight shift of weight, that then sets the teeter totter into motion again. However, when you raise your vibration back to a level of remembrance of your Oneness with the other, then you move back to standing atop the fulcrum of the teeter totter. This is the release of karma. Remaining in this place of perception, in this vibration of awareness, is the transcendence of karma. This is the place of ultimate stability where the teeter totter is not subject to being set into motion again.”

Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

Making contact with those that have transitioned

16 May

The following is shared to help make contact with transitioned loved ones whose energy is now significantly different than it was while they were in body. – Liesel

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.

“If your loved one has expanded in their vibration significantly since their incarnation, and now emits a very different energy than the energy they emitted while living, it may be difficult to “recognize” their energy signature.  Be open to a change or an upgrade in the “feeling energy” of your loved one.  This may make it easier for them to establish contact with you.”

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.

Excerpt from Your Soul’s Love

16 May


YEARS AGO WHEN I WAS forty, my life was profoundly unfulfilling. I found the corporate work I was doing to be bland and devoid of any deeper meaning. Although I longed for a romantic relationship, I was unable to manifest one. I was drifting through life seemingly rudderless, going through the motions, each new day as empty and uninspiring as the previous. I wondered why I was here on Earth. I had no idea of either the answer to that
question or how to find it. At times I wished I could go Home.

In my search for meaning, I had my first session ever with a psychic medium. She channeled my spirit guides, who told me I had planned my greatest challenges for the purpose of spiritual growth before I was born. Shortly thereafter I met a woman who is able to channel her own soul. In some fifteen hours of channeling, her soul told me in detail how the pre-birth planning process works. The resonance I felt with the concept of pre-birth
planning was clear, strong, and undeniable.

At about the same time, I had what is known as a spiritually transformative experience. One day, as I was doing nothing more than walking down the street, I felt pure, overwhelming, unconditional love for every person I saw. This love was fundamentally different from the love one might feel for a parent, child, or romantic partner; it was a divine, transcendent, all-encompassing, totally immersive, limitless love. I understood intuitively that this experience was a gift from my soul saying to me, “This love is who you really are.”

I decided to leave the corporate world and write books about why we plan our biggest challenges before coming into body. In the years that followed, I wrote Your Soul’s Plan, Your Soul’s Gift, and the book you are now reading. The life that has emerged from the writing of these books is so deeply fulfilling and uniquely “me” that it would have been beyond my wildest imagination or ability to comprehend when I was forty. Equally important, the research I did for the books taught me that human suffering is not random, arbitrary, or purposeless; rather, it is rich with meaning. That understanding created a deep healing for me. My hope and intention are that it creates a similar healing for you.

It is important to understand there is not just one truncated, linear, concretized life plan—a Plan A so to speak—for each person’s life. There is a Plan A, but there is also a Plan B, C, D, E, and on and on . . . so many plans that full comprehension is beyond the capacity of the human brain. These additional plans are the soul’s accounting for the many and various free will choices that can be made by the incarnate human. Each of us has free will, and it is our free will that makes the Earth school a truly meaningful experience. Without free will we would be nothing more than automatons, in which case no true learning would occur or even be possible.

Plan A is the highest vibrational plan; that is, a life in which the personality (a portion of the soul’s energy in a physical body) makes the most loving decisions possible in each moment. In this case there is no vibrational difference between the personality and the soul. In essence, the soul is fully inhabiting the body and living that lifetime without the dilution or alteration created by the ego or smaller self. Saints and masters may execute this
plan, but the rest of us will invariably make at least some and usually many unloving decisions. Although unloving decisions can cause pain for self and others, they also result—if we live life consciously—in healing, expansion, and a greatly enhanced capacity to love. It is for this reason that making mistakes is not a “bad” thing. In fact, we came here to do just that. Our mistakes are our growth, and our growth is our service to the world and our fellow humans.

Presence and acceptance/gratitude is the divine combination that allows us to enact our higher vibrational pre-birth
plans. When you are fully present to and grateful for or at least accepting of whatever arises in your experience, you tap into the Universe’s field of infinite potentiality. That is, your presence and acceptance/gratitude give the Universe an energetic Yes!: a yes to healing; a yes to deeper understanding; a yes to guidance, abundance, health, spiritual clarity, and creative solutions for the highest good of all.

Giving that energetic Yes! to life requires faith and trust in the goodness of life and the Universe. We can cultivate faith and trust in several ways; one of the most important and helpful is through a felt knowing that the challenges we planned before birth are rich with meaning and purpose. Ultimately, this book is intended to be a pathway to that felt knowing.

Those of you who receive my email newsletter (which I invite you to sign up for at http://www.yoursoulsplan.com) know I have been publishing channelings done by my wife, Liesel. She channels a collective of wise, loving, deeply caring, nonphysical beings who are in a state of unity consciousness and whom we affectionately call the Beings of Light. They said the following to me about pre-birth plans:

We are enamored of bringing together the practice of present moment awareness with your work. When viewed from a mental level, these things can seem contradictory; however, they are not necessarily so. The way in which presence (which is being present in the now moment and in a state of acceptance of, or gratitude for, what ‘is’ in the now moment) plays out in pre-birth planning is that it allows the highest version of the pre-birth plans to become the working version.

We have described previously that to put our language into the English language is like trying to take an infinite number of words and distill it into some hundred words. Similarly, prebirth planning contains within it an essentially infinite number of permutations of actual plans. This can seem contradictory to the human mind—as though this is not planning at all if there are an infinite number of possibilities—but We assure you that this is still a kind of planning.

The plans themselves all fall under what We refer to as a probabilistic, multidimensional curve form. For purposes of
visualization, a simplified version of what We mean by a multidimensional curve form is that which is shown to you within mathematics and statistics as a bell curve.

There are pre-birth plans that are very likely courses of events, and there are pre-birth plans that are on the far fringes of the bell curve. For many individuals, presence and truly deep connection with their souls may be on the far fringes of the bell curve of possibility; however, this would indeed be the highest alignment pre-birth plan that could be chosen in any given moment.

So, within the bell curve of possibilities there are pre-birth plan choices that could be made that make the Universe ‘sing’ more than other choices. All choices ultimately lead to learning and enlightenment, but some paths are far less circuitous than others.

The paths that are chosen that are in greatest alignment with the deepest Self, with Presence and Spirit and Consciousness, are those paths that are most direct and therefore least circuitous.”

In other words, the vast majority of what is planned is set up as a possibility or probability, not a certainty. Life plans are fluid, fractal, and organic. Whether or not a particular plan actualizes depends upon the free-will decisions of the individual, the vibration of the individual in the current now moment, and the external events/free will decisions made by seemingly separate “others.” To the extent one is fully present, the highest vibrational plan naturally emerges and can be actualized on the Earth plane. This version of the life plan is the least arduous and painful path to both self-realization and profound service as well as deep joy and fulfillment.

This book is the third in a series that examines the pre-birth planning of major life challenges. In the pages ahead we will look at the soul-level planning of challenges that occur in, and also in the absence of, romantic relationships. As with my previous two books, healing insight and enlightening information are gleaned from talking with wise, compassionate, nonphysical beings through mediums and channels. Barbara Brodksy channels Aaron (an ascended master) as well as The Divine Mother, a blending of the highest feminine consciousnesses (Mother Mary, Quan Yin, and others) in our universe. Corbie Mitleid channels a person’s soul or higher self. Staci Wells channels her spirit guide. Pamela Kribbe channels Jesus, who uses his given Hebrew name, Jeshua.

Much additional wisdom is derived from past life regression and from Between Lives Soul Regression or BLSR, the form of hypnosis in which I specialize. In this form one can speak directly with very highly evolved nonphysical beings (often referred to as the Council of Elders) who know what was planned for the current lifetime and why, how one is doing in terms of fulfilling one’s plans, and how one may better fulfill one’s plans. A BLSR contains an abbreviated past life regression. May you see yourself and your life reflected in the pages ahead. May the wisdom and healing found by these courageous souls become your wisdom and healing.

Chapter 1 Excerpt Tricia’s Between Lives Soul Regression

Tricia’s Past Life Soul Regression had given us some insight into the plan for her current lifetime. To gain greater insight, Tricia and I did a Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR). A BLSR contains an abbreviated past life regression, but that portion of Tricia’s BLSR is not relevant to the topic of infidelity and so has been omitted here.

After I guided Tricia through the initial parts of the regression, she described what she experienced as her consciousness returned to her nonphysical Home.

“I see an opening ahead of me,” she began. “It’s light blue. I move through it and am in an open space. There are three beings at a table. They’re dressed in something that looks like translucent gowns. There’s a light coming from their bodies. They have hoods over their heads.

“One of them is getting up. It’s a man. He is walking toward me. He’s very beautiful: sleek, soft skin, large blue eyes. He’s human but doesn’t look quite human. He walks over to me. He’s holding my hand, looking at me.”

“How does it feel to be in his presence?”
“Pure, pure love.” She sounded blissful.
“Ask him if he has a name we should use.”
“Tricia, I’d like you to ask Milton if he has any particular message for you.”
“All I feel is love. I don’t hear words. I just get feelings.”
“I’d like you to ask Milton if we may question him and the other beings there.”

“He says yes. He’s walking me to the table with the others. The others are rising. There are white chairs around the table. The table is also white. I can see the other two beings now. They look very much like him, only one is female. The other is male. They’re telling me their names. The female is Entera, and the other is Jonah. Jonah is walking away. I don’t know why. Milton is offering me a chair. Entera is on the other side. We’re sitting now.”

I prompted Tricia to ask if Milton and Entera are her Council of Elders.

“Milton says they’re only part of the Council. There are nine others. They are present, but I don’t see them. Now Milton is putting his hands on the table. Entera puts her hands on his, and my hands are on top of theirs. Milton explains that this bonds us for conversation and makes conversation clearer so can understand.”

“Tricia, ask Milton, Entera, and the rest of your Council why you came to Earth in your current lifetime. What did you hope to accomplish?”

“Milton says that I very much wanted to address abandonment, and that it was agreed—Oh! Bob is here! Bob is here! Bob is here!” she announced excitedly. “Bob is walking up to me with Jonah.” She began to cry softly. “Bob is dressed just like they are. He puts his hands on mine, and I smile. He sits at a chair on the opposite side. He’s so full of love. There are other beings walking with Jonah to the table. I feel overcome.”

I then prompted Tricia to question Bob and the Council. She relayed to me the responses she heard.

Bob: We planned this life together. I told you it would be very hard for you, but I wanted to do that
[play that role] for you.

Tricia: Why are you here with these others?

Bob: I am with them because you’re here. They help me to explain. They help you understand.

Tricia: What was my pre-birth plan with you?

Bob: I had things I wanted to address in this lifetime, a weakness I wanted to overcome. You wanted to help me with that. My weakness is being a pleaser. I wanted to know how to be who I really am and not be fearful. Being a pleaser is based on fear. We agreed that my choice [the affair] would help your abandonment issue, which is also an issue of fear.

Tricia: How was I helping you to overcome the fear that made you a pleaser?

Bob: Previously I chose lives of being dominated by others, mostly women. Also, I had a lifetime as a woman who was dominated by her world. My soul had a scar from that. In our plan you would not dominate me. You would be loving and allowing. This would allow me to see who I truly am.

Tricia: Do you feel that was accomplished?

Bob: Yes. Yes, I do. I’m very grateful to you.

Tricia: Did you, Claire, and I plan the affair to give me an opportunity to learn about and rise above abandonment?

Bob: Yes. Claire is deeply loving and is a part of the agreement out of that love. In the planning, you insisted you would be able to forgive. You, the Council, and I hoped there would be an immediate bonding and healing that would occur much earlier than it did. I hoped I would be immediately forthcoming [about the affair] and that we would heal at that moment. It didn’t happen. I was too weak, and so it went on and on.

Entera: There was a soul intervention. It was time for Bob to come home. The illness was used to bring Bob to an awareness he could not otherwise attain.

Bob: That’s why I passed from my life. The illness allowed me finally to overcome the weakness and fear.

Tricia: How does the Council feel I’ve done in terms of learning about and forgiving abandonment and betrayal? Is there more for me to do?

“Milton is reassuring me,” Tricia told me. “I’m feeling a wave of love from all of them.”

Milton: There’s such love for you. There’s no judgment. Everything you have done and will do is divinel orchestrated, accepted, and never wrong.

Tricia: How can I release any guilt I still feel about the way I reacted, any anger I still feel toward myself [for reacting that way], and any jealousy I still feel toward Claire?

Entera: The personality is necessary as a catalyst for [soul] growth. Realizing this will help you to release guilt and jealousy, which are both fearbased.

“Now she’s showing me the rest of the Council to impress upon me the gift of being here.”

Entera: You are more than the personality in a life, but the personality is to be respected, admired, and encouraged because that’s why you come into a life: to be a human and have emotions, to feel feelings. This allows you to grow and is a gift to your soul. That’s the purpose of your lives. It should be celebrated, not feared or condemned.

“I feel such love and acceptance from them all. They’re telling me that I’m doing a wonderful job and that I can’t do any wrong. No choices would be wrong, and I didn’t harm Bob; I helped him. That’s so meaningful to me.”

Tricia: How do you feel about everything that happened? How do you feel about me now?

“He just squeezed my hand. It’s like he’s joking with me, saying without speaking something like, ‘If you don’t know by now how much I love you . . .’”

Bob: You must look at the plan as mission accomplished. “He’s laughing. They’re all smiling. It’s beautiful, so beautiful.”

Tricia: Will we incarnate together again? Will you wait for me so we can do that?

Bob: Yes on both counts.

Tricia: What else would you like me to understand?

Milton: The courage you and Bob had to plan and create this life together, a life with such pain and such
joy. Pain is personal, productive, and subjective in a lifetime.

Tricia: What is Claire’s relationship to me? Is she in my soul group? Have I had other lives with her?

A soul group is a collection of souls who are at approximately the same vibration and evolutionary stage. The members of a soul group take turns playing every conceivable role for one another
across many lifetimes.

Milton: Yes, she is in your soul group. She was in a lifetime with Bob as his twin sister. You were not
in that lifetime, but you have had lifetimes with her. She was your father in a lifetime.

Tricia: Why didn’t I have a full lifetime with Bob? Why did we meet as we did? Why have I felt so much
more love for him than anyone else in my life almost like a worship?

Entera: The meeting was set so that Bob could have much of this life facing his weakness and have other significant moments before you met. The meeting was planned to be when it was. It would not have worked the same if you met earlier.

The love comes from a soul connection of many lives together. You will have lives together that occur simultaneously. The love will always be there. Nothing will ever harm it.

I understood Entera’s reference to simultaneous lives to mean that Tricia and Bob will have parallel selves together in parallel dimensions. The reference to simultaneity also served for me as a confirmation that Tricia was truly talking with her Council because simultaneity and non-linearity describe the true nature of the cosmos. Linear time, by contrast, is an illusion of the third dimension, an illusion created by the limitations of the five senses and the human brain.

Tricia: I miss you, Bob.

Bob: I’m with you. I’m always with you. You can hear me. I haven’t left you. I will always be with you.
I will remind you [that I’m there].

Tricia: Bob, thank you. You gave me a life I couldn’t even have imagined. Thank you for all your love, your devotion, and your sweet nature. Thank you so very, very much for everything.

I want you to know that I have never stopped loving you. There has never been a moment I haven’t loved you. Even when I was saying things I knew were hurting you, I loved you, and I tried to stop.

Bob: I know.

“He’s so filled with love!” Tricia exclaimed again. “There are so many smiles now, so much reassurance. I think there’s nothing I can say that he doesn’t already know. I’m so anxious to hold him again.”

Bob: I remember it all. I remember how we would hold each other and say we were in heaven. I live in your heart.

“I feel so much love and acceptance. Now Bob is getting up.”

Bob: I will be leaving, but I’ve never really left.

“He’s squeezing my hand and walking away.”

Milton: Your pre-birth plan has been fulfilled.

Entera: But, your life has more to give, and you have more to give. Within your plan there was a hope that you would surpass doubt and get to a place of belief in yourself. That’s [the purpose of] the continuation of your existence as Tricia. Now, just believe it.

Tricia: What is the “more” I’m to give?

Entera: To express what you’ve learned through compassion and listening, to express your knowing without fear.

Tricia: How do I move from doubt to belief in myself?

Milton: When you write, you edit yourself.

“He’s showing me a visual of when I write. I change it and change it.”

Milton: Stop editing yourself [in life]. Believe what you’re saying.

Tricia: Should I take action in some way or just allow life to come?

Entera: Life runs most smoothly in a flow. Allow life to come to you. There’s not-doing as living.

Tricia: My body is aging. Is there something I should do to extend my life or make my body

Entera: The body follows consciousness. The body follows joy or fear. Follow joy, and the body will follow.

Tricia: Where did my eating disorder come from? What is the best way to cope with it?

Milton: It comes from feeling starved for attention, starved for meaning, and fearful of not being

Entera: Food is a joy, but it cannot fulfill the soul.

“She’s showing me music, meditation, and acceptance of myself without fear.”

Tricia: Why do I only see three of you when I know that there are nine more?

Milton and Entera: We are your guides for this journey. There is no need for you to visualize the others. They’re here, and you can feel them and their love.

I asked Tricia if she now felt complete in talking with the Council.

“Other than expressing my gratitude for their help and overwhelming love and acceptance of me, yes. I wish I had the words, but I know they can feel my deep appreciation for bringing Bob to me. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to see him looking so radiant and feeling his nearness again. Thank you. Thank you.”

I was moved by the impassioned way in which Tricia spoke. I guided her focus back into her physical body, bringing her back gradually and gently.

“Oh, wow!” she said suddenly as she opened her eyes. “I didn’t even know I had tears—now they’re running down my cheeks.”

“Tricia, what parts about the experience stood out to you?”
“Bob,” she said without hesitation, “I’m amazed. I didn’t think I would see him there, and I didn’t expect him to look or feel the way he did. It was the best part of him that I’ve always felt and known, but when you’re living life, you feel a lot of other parts, too. It’s astounding! And the feel of his hands on mine—my hands were tingling all the way through. It was like an electrical pulse. And the faces of those wonderful beings—almost alien, beautiful, ethereal.

“Also, it was very good for me to realize—and I don’t want to forget—that Claire is beloved by the whole soul group, and to not look at her as this invader into a life that was good until she came along, but more as a catalyst, a friend.

“This experience has lifted me. I’m just sitting here in this big puddle of gratitude. And that’s from my heart.”

The power of waves

23 Apr

As channeled from the Beings of Light Through Liesel.

This is a time of great possibility within your realm.  There is, indeed, a great movement toward ascension occurring. This movement toward ascension serves to magnify any personal evolvement that an individual chooses to undergo at this time.  Think of this as the amplification of a wave.  To illustrate the concept of the amplification of waveforms, think of an individual walking along a bridge. As they walk along the bridge they will inevitably create, if only subtle, a wave phenomenon that your scientists have termed ‘simple harmonic motion’ within the physical structure of that bridge. It may be almost imperceptible to the naked human eye, however, there are certainly scientific instruments which could measure it.  However, if instead, there is an entire army marching in unison on a bridge, everyone can observe this wave phenomenon occurring within the bridge.  In fact, armies are specifically instructed not march in lockstep because of the potential of creating such an intense amplification of the simple harmonic motion wave pattern that it would ultimately result in the structural collapse of the bridge.  So, let us now apply this concept of the additive power of waves, something your scientists have termed as ‘constructive interference,’ to what is currently occurring in your realm.  So, any spiritual evolution that you are undergoing personally has the opportunity to be greatly amplified because it is in harmony and resonance with the overall ascension of humanity.  In other words, there is a very high degree of ‘constructive interference’ between personal evolution and the overall ascension of humanity.  In this way, all of you that are in body, have a tremendous opportunity, and a rather rare opportunity.  In fact, your being incarnate at this time means that you have won a kind of ‘lottery,’ as there are many beings and souls that would wish to be incarnate now, and yet, your planet cannot sustain all of them in physical form.  Therefore, it is our hope, and prayer, and blessing toward each and every one of you that you mine the internal depths that you have access to for their spiritual gold, and that you not squander this incarnate opportunity.  That which you accomplish within yourself will reverberate out into the world many millionfold through this process of amplification.

“Always know Our love is truly with you, because Our love truly is you.”

Disclaimer: This information is not meant as medical advice, nor is it meant to diagnose or treat any disease or mental health disorder.